Sheba Monthly Giving Circle
When you join WFI’s Sheba Monthly Giving Circle, you join a group of dedicated supporters who invest in WFI’s mission to advance women to advance humanity. In doing so, you are joining forces with other committed individuals to create more joyful societies around the world, as we move towards a life of unity, collaboration, and service.
Members of the Sheba Circle make small, automatic donations every month, which makes it easier for Women Forward International to plan long-term, budget efficiently, and create life-changing outcomes. You choose how much to give and for how long, and you can change the amount or cancel at any time.
Thank you for going on the prowl with us.
Sheba Circle Terms of Agreement
This authorization is to charge my credit card to Women Forward International.
I understand that each transaction will appear on my monthly credit card statement.
I further understand that this agreement will remain in effect until I notify Women Forward International that I wish to change or suspend it, and Women Forward International has a reasonable amount of time to fulfill my request.