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The mission of Women Forward International (WFI) is to partner the next generation with nonprofit and private sector organizations and artists to implement solutions critical to human progress, bridging mind and heart to bring about unity, collaboration, and service to humanity. 


WFI also channels the transformative power of Art, when inspired with love, to bring about human unity.

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Letter from the President

We have seen the power of academic research to transform those who listen to what could be heard as the call of the New Humanity. This call comes from those many young graduate students of international relations – the next generation of leaders – who thirst to go beyond leadership based on traditional hierarchy, and instead, to live leadership to bring about a new time and place in which all are free and equal. 



Women Forward International is a global platform for systemic change in international affairs education, reorienting research towards the principles of unity, collaboration, and service. We create unique partnerships that lead to behavioral changes that advance women to advance humanity.  


WFI partners with a range of private sector, academic and non-profit clients to identify research critical to human progress, and then pairs teams of graduate international studies students with these organizations to complete that research and implement solutions.


WFI also uses the reflective power of Art to reveal and investigate the underlying cultural issues at stake in a given international relations issue and provide the next generation of leaders a more holistic approach to human relationships.

ACTION-ORIENTED RESEARCH between renowned universities, multilateral institutions, corporations, and non-profit organizations

Decision-making frameworks designed for the FULL PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN

Opportunities for THE NEXT GENERATION OF LEADERS to claim and make real change

A language for creating change that steps beyond business and economics to INCLUDE THE ARTS

A reorientation to power in relationships—COLLABORATION OVER HIERARCHY








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