· Contra Costa Herald edition of July 5. It included an article entitled “Women Forward International brings together Mexican, Calif. food recovery partners for distribution event in Antioch Thursday.” · California News edition of July 5 published an article about the Antioch event. · Mexicali Blue Café of July 5 ran an article about the WFI/WFE event. · Look-Travels of July 6 ran the WFI press release about this event. · Prensa Animal online edition dated July 16, 2022. · Milano Success online edition dated July 10, 2022 · Pine to Accordion Jazz Festival edition of July 10, 2022

The Hour
Our film and docu-series The Hour is about this time of unprecedented transformation in human consciousness that enables things to happen that have never happened before - all the result of the mind coming together with the heart and love taking its rightful place in our lives and actions. The Hour will follow the story of three Leopards, women whose journeys of love and service represent the need for the bridging mind and heart to usher forth a New Humanity.

Qatar America Institute for Culture IMPART Summit
Dr. Kent Davis-Packard along with WFI Arts Counsel members Zuhal Feraidon and Yusuf Misdaq performed Light of Afghanistan, a multi-media performance including poetry, music and painting at the Impart Summit VIP Gala Dinner on Friday, November 19. The IMPART Summit is a platform created to celebrate the impact of QAIC’s art and culture programs in our local and international communities.

Gender Lens Investing (GLI) Forum LATAM 2021
On November 9-11, Pro Mujer presented the GLI Forum LATAM 2021, a free virtual event that brings together entrepreneurs, investors, and other leaders to discuss how gender lens investing can catalyze gender equality and create more inclusive economies in Latin America.

The Challenge of
World Crises & Our Response
On Saturday, October 16, together with leaders in business law, economics, consulting and education, Dr. Kent Davis-Packard discussed "The Challenge
of World Crises & our Response." This conversation aimed to shed light on how we may respond to
current world crises from a deeper perspective.

Celebrating CEDAW: Demystifying the International Bill of Women's Rights for Young Migrant Women
In light of the Generation Equality Forum and World Refugee Day, WFI President and Executive Director Kent Davis-Packard, Sciences Po PRESAGE, Radical Girlsss x The European Network for Migrant Women, and Vice Chair of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Nicole Ameline gathered on June 17, 2021 to discuss our program on enhancing young migrant and refugee women’s political participation and important next steps to ensure their inclusion.

Advancing Gender Lens Investing and Gender Equality
in Latin America
On May 11, 2021, Pro Mujer and the Mujeres Invirtiendo hosted a virtual breakfast in preparation of Pro Mujer's annual event to advance gender lens investing in Latin America, GLI LATAM, which will take place in October 2021. The objective of the breakfast was to foster a stronger engagement of investors and ecosystem builders in Mexico, towards GLI. The conversation explored avenues to overcome the main challenges faced by women in the financial sector in Latin America, as well as the opportunities to advance the GLI agenda in the region.

Accounting for racism and sexism on the farm
In collaboration with the Sustainable Food Trust and supported by Women Forward International, a group of Cornell University researchers have set out investigating how farms may account for the true costs of racial and gender inequity within the farm gate.

Advancing Women's Higher Education in Afghanistan
During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities have sought to keep students engaged remotely and Lynn University, a UNAI member institution in the United States, has used its Social Impact Lab to empower students to continue contributing to their communities while studying away from campus.

“You need to not think of yourself as “saving the world,” but rather the world saving you.”
Read Dr. Kent Davis-Packard's interview for
Medium's Authority Magazine
Social Impact Heroes: Why & How Dr. Kent Davis-Packard of ‘Women Forward International’ Is Helping To Change Our World